Document Solutions


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Your organization has an incredible about of liability and dependence on the quality, accessibility, and security of your information. Document solutions from Bagwell will increase your profitability and efficiency by reducing the time spent storing, routing and retrieving your documents.

We can provide your business these powerful technologies:

Capture and Routing

Document Capture is simply the process of scanning your paper forms into an electronic format. Crystal clarity scanning is important.

Document routing involves the direct delivery of electronic documents within an organization. Our multifunction systems and scanners can handle a great deal of document routing right out of the box with minimal configuration and setup needed.

Document routing solutions differ from document management systems because their purpose is document delivery, not document storage or retrieval. The advantage of tying your document management system to your multifunction system is that the documents that are captured can be routed directly to your archive.

The most common document destinations include:
email addresses
network folders
web folders
accounting systems
CRM/ERP systems

Document Routing can provide a superior workflow for your office. To learn more about document routing programs, contact us today.

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Document Management Systems

The ability to search and retrieve a document with the click of a mouse can dramatically enhance your office efficiency. An electronic document management system can help automate your processes. In fact, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without one.

We’ll help you easily build a secure, highly integrated electronic document management system.

Document management software from Bagwell Document Solutions can easily store, index and allow secure access to documents in an electronic format. We can provide you with an electronic document management system that provides reliability, security and mobile user access methods, allowing you to eliminate paper based file storage systems and reclaim office space for more productivity and efficiency.

Document Management Systems have many benefits, including:
Increased profitability through increased productivity
Improved competitive advantage as you can access information for clients
Enhanced B2B, B2C relationships
Ensured regulatory compliance
Reduced litigation risk and liability through increase security

To learn how our integrated document management system can help you, please contact us today.

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Electronic Forms

Electronic forms are customizable forms that you print on-demand. Not only will you find it easier and less expensive to produce your routine forms, you’ll also be able to increase your marketing in ways you haven’t considered before.

You’ll have incredible flexibility in customizing your forms to carry your current marketing messages.

The benefits of electronic forms over pre-printed forms are tremendous:
Electronic forms have the ability improve internal and external business communication with vendors and customers while reducing manual data input and human error.  Electronic forms are easier than ever to update your communications when form data changes.

One-on-One Marketing
Using variable data printing technology and your multifunction system, you can create compelling one-to-one marketing materials that are highly personalized for you customers’ individual buying habits.

Invoice Marketing
The easiest person to sell to is someone who has already purchased from you. You can include a special, ad, or call to action that every customer can see or target so that only certain types of customers can see.

Replace Pre-printed Forms
Using pre-printed forms can cost a lot of money. In some cases, the pre-printed form can cost as much as 15 cents per part. That means that a three part form can cost as much as 45 cents.

By printing your variable form content at the same time as the form on your low cost multifunction device, your business can significantly reduce its costs in producing invoices, statements, delivery documents and other forms your system creates for you.

Direct Output to Multiple Locations
Your data needs to be available across multiple locations. Some of your customer may want their invoices mailed, faxed or emailed. You may have a need to print a copy for yourself at the same time. Perhaps you have an electronic document management system where you store an image of all your documentation. With eform technology, you can have a copy of the document distributed automatically to the location of your choice. Moreover, these documents will be sent to all those locations automatically.

To learn more about electronic forms, contact us today.

Do you have a project? We are here to help!