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For every customer we deliver a tailor made experience and we follow a very specific process to asses the needs and implement the right products to help you run an efficient office and save money at the same time.
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Our first step is to sit down with you our customer and asses the needs of the office. We will look what your current situation is and what you are missing and how we can make your business run more efficient.
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Once we have all the information we need, we start working on a taylor made plan for your office.
We provide you with a detailed proposal and present it to you.
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We provide you with a detailed proposal and present it to you.
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Our professional team will come and install the hardware and setup the software on the devices that will be used in the office.
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Our support and maintenance team is ready to help you in all your needs. We have certified staff that will come out and service the machine if needed. When you need supplies you can either order them online or call our office.
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Do you have a project? We are here to help!